Accounting Services for Small Business Melbourne
self managed super fund accountant
small business accountant melbourne


  •  Complete and submit the quick prefill online form.
  •  Receive a phone call to verify and confirm deductions.
  • Provide an authority to Lodge.

The form below is a simple form that provides us with the authority to access your information and prior year tax returns from the tax office. The form submission is secured and spam free as all information submitted through this form is encrypted using SSL (Secured Socket Layering). If you wish to talk to someone prior to submitting the form, please feel free to call us +61 468 552 265 during business hours.

Please provide bank account details below for your tax refund:

Please provide any additional information you think will be relevant for us to understand your tax circumstances. (For Example: sold shares and made a profit, sold business, had foreign income, got married etc.)
I hereby appoint Camberwell Accountants. as my Accountants, Tax Agent, ASIC Agent and SMSF Auditor & their staff to collect information on my behalf and interview , complete & lodge my tax return. Also I appoint Camberwell Accountants. as my Tax Agents for liaising with the ATO on my behalf for the current, past and future tax matters related to me or any of the entities I am associated with, whether any kind of Tax, GST, FBT, ABN, or any other matter asked whether verbally or in writing until this authority is specifically revoked by me in writing. I further declare that I agree with the various incomes, deductions and offsets claimed, the information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my understanding and belief. I declare that wherever there is no receipt, the expenses were genuinely incurred by me and were directly relevant to the employment or my business. I am aware that I shall be liable for any incorrect information provided by me to Camberwell Accountants. & its associates or to the ATO. I also authorize Camberwell Accountants. to collect my fee from any tax refund if I do have any outstanding & unpaid invoices. I understand Camberwell Accountants. may use my email or mobile to keep me updated of their service offerings from time to time, By way of this declaration I authorize the appointed to perform duties as delegated from time to time, including lodgment of my TR solely based on this electronic declaration provided by me.